Friday, March 6, 2009

Marks and heartache

Like many of you, I am disappointed by the marks that I have to scrawl on your common test papers. I had to mark with honesty and integrity, but all the same, it is rather heartbreaking to have to give out scripts with dismal scores. I am really convinced that most of you know the two plays really really well, just that you need to really focus and remind yourself to answer the question in every paragraph.

I really think I am a reasonable marker - I am equally predisposed to giving 21+ marks for essays with clear arguments as I am to giving failing marks to scripts which does everything but address the question. What do I mean by "clear arguments"? It simply means this - a structured essay which have good arguments in each every paragraph that clearly answers the question.

Structured essay - written in the proper format, with a introduction and conclusion that answers the question and summarises all main points.

Good arguments - valid and logical points that are supported by evidence or examples.

Paragraphs that answer question - End of each paragraph show explain why the point in the particular paragraph answers the question.

I do have to admit that what I'm teaching you is not easy at all - I definitely never recalled any teacher teaching me how to write essays (for literature or other subjects) during my school days, and I was just lucky to know how to write properly without guidance.

Never hesitate to ask me if you want to find out how you can improve your grades! It is all up to you!

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