Friday, March 13, 2009

Is the internet making us stupid?

Seems that besides myself, there are also experts who believe that that is the case. BBC news website have this news article where people (including you!) can contribute and say what they think about the subject.

I notice that many students in the school has quite an active life online, and at this moment there is no evidence that spending time on the internet can make people smarter. Yes, you get little bits of information here and there, but that certainly will not make you an expert! One can argue that it is also possible to read enough information on the internet to make yourself an expert in any subject, but then again, that is unlikely. We all tend to have very short concentration span when we read webpages.

The reality is, the best stories and the most informative articles are still found in books. It takes a lot of money to print books, and no publisher will print them unless they think it is of a certain quality, whereas anyone can publish any type of information they like online. You will need to start doing research in libraries after secondary school, and the information you find there will probably not be available online too.

My life today has been very largely shaped by the books that I read - read on for a good future!

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