Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Why vulgarities should not be used in the classroom

I have been asked to provide an example of an argument by Lincoln, and he has very kindly helped to provide me a topic to argue about, so here it is!

Thesis Statement -
Vulgarities should not be used in the classroom because it is not appropriate to use crude languages in the school, or any where else, if we want to be responsible citizens of the society.

  • Crude languages do not have a place in academic institutions
Students come to school to acquire good language skills, and it is definitely not helpful for students to pick up and use crude languages in class. At times when students might be upset, the school will always want any arguments or quarrels to be resolved in a calm and controlled manner by everyone involved. At no times will crude languages and vulgarities help to solve arguments, as they are only used to cause irritation or to intimidate.
  • Every student have the right to a safe learning environment
Students come to school to learn, and a safe learning environment is necessary to make that possible; that includes taking care of both the physical and emotional health of all students. The use of vulgarities is by its nature a threatening gesture for those who hear it, and therefore it must not be allowed in the school. Using vulgarities will be seen as an act of bullying and gangsterism by the school for that reason.
  • Using vulgarities will not reflect well on the student's character
Students also aim to be educated in moral character in school, and that has to come with discipline and learning what is good conduct and actions. The use of vulgarities, being offensive in school, is not permitted and therefore no students should be heard uttering them. The deliberate use of vulgarities despite the rules will show that the offender is defiant, and not of good conduct and character.

It also shows up the low level of maturity of the utterer, who have to resort to the use of crude words when they get upset or angry emotionally. They do not have discipline and self-control to control their own temper and feelings, and do not know how to resolve issues or release pent-up emotions in a proper manner.
  • Using vulgarities affect your ability to integrate into society as a responsible citizen
Because students who use vulgarities show that they are not of good character, it will be hard for society to accept them as responsible citizens who knows how to live and work with other people amiably. Society in general will not want to accept people who are abusive, threatening, or who uses derogatory words to insult other people, as these people do not show that they have virtues and good values to be able to get along well with others.

Therefore, there is no place for vulgarities and crude words in the school because it is an academic institution and all students should aspire to be exemplary in conduct. Using vulgarities reflects poorly on a person's choice of language, self-discipline, control of emotions, character and moral values.

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