Thursday, April 9, 2009


I really hope you guys will end up loving poetry as much as I enjoy them!

Truth to tell, poetry is often hard to 'understand' but it will bring rewards to the patient reader who reads it over and over again. Like most good art pieces, it takes a while to learn to appreciate them - after all, there's nothing interesting about something if we 'get' it completely the first time! Simple poetry have a message, good poetry simply reflects on things, so there's really nothing much to 'understand'.

Think of poetry as verbal painting - let the words suggest different pictures to you, and put these pictures together, and let your imagination wander through all these images. Daydream with the words, think of the place, the time, the events described. That's what good poetry do, help you dream and imagine.

Just an example of a poem that I like, the kind that makes me think and dream...

Gift - Czeslaw Milosz

A day so happy.
Fog lifted early, I worked in the garden.
Hummingbirds were stopping over honeysuckle flowers.
There was no thing on Earth that I wanted to possess.
I knew no one worth my envying him.
Whatever evil I had suffered, I forget.
To think that once I was the same man did not embarrass me.
In my body I felt no pain.
When straightening, I see the blue sea and sails.

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