Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Romeo and Juliet screening today

Oh people, you guys missed a good show today!

There was only like 10 of us at the AV theatre (including me), but it was a great show nonetheless. The beginning was wild and exaggerated, and you can't believe how much they changed the setting of the play. Because we didn't read the original text, perhaps you might not catch all of what they said. Still, i think the movie did a great job in showing you how natural the dramatic speeches can sound when someone actually act it out.

The lovers were crazy over each other, but the moments they had together was tender and beautiful, and you really don't get the sense that they are rash and impulsive about their love. Richard Wagner's famous music, the Overture to Tristan and Isolde (another tragic love story), was playing softly in the background after Juliet shot herself, and it almost moved me to tears; well, it definitely gave me a very heavy heart, if nothing else.

It will be good to watch it if you have the chance, because it can help you have an idea of how to do your own performance; that's what your project assignment in week 8-10 will be about!

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