Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Boy Wonder

Look at this 6 year old boy playing soccer!

This boy, and other young sporting geniuses like gymnasts, always remind me of how wonderfully adaptable children are. Really, given opportunities and good training, it seems that there is no limit to what children can achieve.

And what about those of us who have grown past that age? Are we unable to pick up amazing skills like these? We definitely can, I think! But the difference is that for us we'll be more aware of how much hard work we need to put it, and in many case, that will deter us from reaching our goals.

Believe in whatever you want to achieve! With enough effort, nothing is impossible (or as Adidas say, Impossible is Nothing).

Themes of Macbeth

Hi all, Ms Audrey Sim has again come up with a very useful resource for you that talks about the major themes in Macbeth here, do download and take a look at it!

If some of you are wondering why I'm not printing all these for everyone, it is because I think I'll only be wasting paper if people are not interested in reading them (and it's a lot of paper to print all these for all my classes!). If you guys are interested about the subject, and love to pop up here and see what's new, I think you guys are the one who would find these resources useful. Use them well!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Shakespearean texts

Hey all, I've managed to find the original Shakespearean texts for Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet with translations, so that you can clear some confusion about the language. But really, what shakespeare wrote was not very different from the way we use our language now, and that is why so many people in the world are still reading him 400 years on.

One of my favourite poet, T.S. Eliot, said that the poem "should be enjoyed even before it is understood", and I think it's the same with all arts. Hear the rhythm in the lines that the actors speak, and appreciate the colourful varied ways in which he describes things. I actually don't have a high opinion of the lit text that you guys are reading now; it's only a start to get you introduced to his art!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

From the source

A scene on Tama river, picture from japanwindow.com

Just watched Japan hour on Channelnewsasia, and it was showing this lady having breakfast by her house which overlooks 'Tama' river. She decides to go search for the source of the river, and took a train and bus ride up the higher regions of the land, visiting a small town along the way.

After lunch, she met up with a guide, and they both went hiking up the hills; by that time, they couldn't really see the river anymore. So where is it? The guide shows her a small rock face hanging over the ground, overgrown with moss. Dew on the moss drips into ground every few seconds, and it is from there that the river starts flowing.

Picture from http://www.pbase.com/mdish/image/55131391

It is something amazing, that a river big enough to be dammed starts from droplets on moss. At the same time I wonder about this incredible fact, I am humbled by the reminder that all great things starts really small. Perhaps we all can start to gather up our small daily efforts into something great we desire, right from today?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Was Lady Macbeth murdered too??!?

There's an actress playing the role of Lady Macbeth in the US who was thinking about the fate of her character, and she suggested that perhaps...Macbeth murdered her too! Read more about this scandal here!

Maybe someone can write a script about this and perform it for the dramatisation project!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Some resources

I include here the texts for the plays, perhaps you can use them, though I think the links I posted previously would be easier to read than the originals here because there is a translation there.

Miss Audrey Sim has kindly shared the following resources about the texts, and they are mightily useful! Please do download it and take a look. If you don't understand any point inside, ask me!

Texts of plays in Word files
By the way, I hope you guys can help to spread the blog links, not because I want to be popular and have my blog read far and wide, but because I think there can be useful stuff here that will be good for everyone. Do check back once in a while to see what's here!

Drama Assignment

Hi all, I hope everyone is excited with getting involved in the drama project! I think it's a good change from our normal essay-writing type of work, and I want to see good effort and creative work from everyone!

Don't worry too much about not being able to perform - the script can help you if you remember your lines well. Just be confident and throw your whole mind into it, and you'll be so absorbed and totally into the role then.

Remember that the preparation is the major part of the work! If you are not prepared things will not go well, and I can say that your effort in preparing every details will show up during the performance.

Again, have fun!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

60 Seconds Macbeth!

Want a quick summary of the story and characters of Macbeth? Take a look at this "60 seconds Macbeth" news!

(Note - do know that this, of course, will not be adequate for you to answer my devious essay questions in literature tests and exams!)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Gruesome Macbeth!

As I said in class, Macbeth as Shakespeare wrote it is an amazing piece of art - crazy rhymes by the witches, shocking twists of the plot, and tragic deaths everywhere. I found this website which actually takes the effort to list down all the gruesome/bloody/brutal things that happened in the play, amazing! I think this guy actually enjoyed it for all these, but then I guess we all like stories for different reasons. It's good to take note of how he quotes from the text when he writes though - it will be great if you can learn to do that too.


Happy Valentine's Day!

Hey everyone, have a great loving day tomorrow! Though I'm not supposed to encourage romantic relationships for you all, you can go ahead and show your love to your family, your pets, your friends, and your teachers too!

Here's some virtual flowers for you all, have fun!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A trip to Bukit Timah

I happen to have the chance to tag along a friend's trekking training session at Bukit Timah hill last Saturday, and it was nice to take a walk in the jungle, something I have not done before (previously I only walked up on the concrete path).

It was surprising what I saw inside - there are 2 of these secret-tunnel type entrances along the trail, and I don't really where they lead to actually. But it's not surprising - many hills are tactical positions which are important to hold in the military context, and probably they were important during WWII.

There's also this small stream of water flowing into this concrete pool before trickling off downhill through a small outlet. What's it for? Perhaps you can tell me...

A cute plant seedling with cute leaves, very pretty.

Go take a walk there with your family if you have a morning to spare - it'll reward you with natural wonders, peace and a good workout!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Romeo and Juliet screening today

Oh people, you guys missed a good show today!

There was only like 10 of us at the AV theatre (including me), but it was a great show nonetheless. The beginning was wild and exaggerated, and you can't believe how much they changed the setting of the play. Because we didn't read the original text, perhaps you might not catch all of what they said. Still, i think the movie did a great job in showing you how natural the dramatic speeches can sound when someone actually act it out.

The lovers were crazy over each other, but the moments they had together was tender and beautiful, and you really don't get the sense that they are rash and impulsive about their love. Richard Wagner's famous music, the Overture to Tristan and Isolde (another tragic love story), was playing softly in the background after Juliet shot herself, and it almost moved me to tears; well, it definitely gave me a very heavy heart, if nothing else.

It will be good to watch it if you have the chance, because it can help you have an idea of how to do your own performance; that's what your project assignment in week 8-10 will be about!

Monday, February 2, 2009

My all time favourite MTV

Where did Cinderalla came from?

The answer? China!

Yes, the very first version of Cinderella came from a Tang Dynasty scholar named Tuan Cheng Shih, and it was published in a magazine-like book called You Yang Za Zu. Apparently it was the trend them for scholars to travel around and collect strange and interesting tales from their travels, and the story came from the

The story and the main character is called Yeh Hsien, and she was an orphan who was cruelly treated by her stepmother. She only had a fish as a pet, and one day her evil stepmother made a good meal out of it. Poor Yeh Hsien collected the bones and put it in a box, and that night the box started glowing, and the fish's spirit granted her wishes. The rest of the story is pretty much the same as Cinderalla, and you can read about it at this blog.

Apparently a few hundred years after that, a similar story appeared from an Italian writer, before the rest of the world each got their own versions. Apparently stories as well as goods were exchanged through the Silk Road. And how did I get to know this? I watched a documentary about this on National Geographic!

Romeo and Juliet screening is on!

Hey everyone! I've booked the AV room for Romeo and Juliet screening on this Wednesday the 4th of February at 3pm sharp. I'll be there to open up the AV room and start the movie. Bring your friends along, but no popcorns!